Sunday, October 5, 2014

Our Diy Pallet Sectional

Now that summer is over and fall is officially here our pallet sectional is done. When looking at these pictures I have to keep telling myself that next summer is going to be really great. Also our grass is starting to grow which is going to be soooo nice when spring comes. This project took a lot of time but it was so worth it in the end. We actually got our pallets for free (I found them). We tried to pick pallets that were around the same size so that when we cut them in half and stacked them on top of each other they would line up. My husband secured them with his nail gun and we then stained them. We only stained the parts of the pallet you were going to see because this old wood really sucks up your stain and you end up using a lot. The cushions were honestly the hardest part. I purchased outdoor foam from Joanns. Don't buy it full price! It will go on sale and I purchased mine when it was 50% off to save money. I had so much fabric to buy that I purchased it online at I know it might not look like this sectional is very big in the picture but that back piece that goes along our house is 10 feet long and the sides are about 9 feet so I was in need of a lot of frabic. My husband had to help me pin and sew the cushion covers because they were so long. I wanted the ability of being able to take the foam out of the cushion covers in case something was to happen in the future. So it's just a big pillow case basically that is velcroed shut.

 This adorable rug is from Walmart if you can believe it! My husband made this awesome coffee table for the center. It is a galvanized bucket we found at IFA he installed sliders inside the top of the bucket so the wood top actually slides open so you can store things inside! I love him (:

I plan to add more pillows next year but other than that it is finished and I can not wait to lay down on this thing with my husband on a warm summer night!

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